High Speed Winds and High Speed HDTV Signals Do Not Mix on Motor Homes

High Speed Winds and High Speed HDTV Signals Do Not Mix on Motor Homes
By Lance Winslow

Well it is finally here HDTV by satellite for your Motor Home. And yet what if you are out in the Wyoming Plains, California Desert, Texas Gulf Coast or North Dakota? Perhaps this is why there are wind generators there? We all know these areas are high-wind areas nearly all-year around. Well Satellite TV antennas, specially new HDTV motor home antennas simply have a tough time with all this.

Indeed high-speed winds do make things tough, but consider the brand new HDTV Satellite Systems and Antennas by MotoSat. The new antenna is ultra-cool the T2 Automotion and it is small and completely enclosed. Only about 12 inches in height and 20 inches diameter and the antenna is encased in a mini-Super Dome. Kind of looks like a Wind Tunnel tested UAV flying saucer and Like other self-tracking systems, you simply press a button and it find your HDTV Satellite and bingo; there you are.

Another thing to consider when choosing a Motor Home HDTV antenna is not only the high winds, but what about all this high-heat? Well this little baby is tested for 131 degrees and if it is that hot you will not find me anywhere near there. In Motion HDTV is finally here; it figures MotoSat would have it first. Sure is nice looking on top of the motor home I tell ya!

Lance Winslow - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance in the Online Think Tank and solve the problems of the World; www.WorldThinkTank.net/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=LanceWinslow